Transformation in 10
Transformations are tough, whether you’re driving them or trying to stay ahead of the curve. Get insider insights for navigating the transformations impacting the application delivery world. Quality, DevOps, cloud, and business innovators share ideas in bitesize episodes. Grab a coffee and tune in! Presented by Tricentis (https://www.tricentis.com/) with music by Ross Marriott (https://bit.ly/3wjYJIH).
Transformation in 10
Adam Arakelian at Dell on machine learning and AIOps to accelerate software development pipelines
Watch the video episode: https://bit.ly/3wdCXXN. Adam Arakelian, Senior Director of Engineering at Dell, returns to the podcast with the inside scoop on how his teams are utilizing machine learning and AIOps from a DevOps perspective. Discover how to improve your developers’ experience and where ML and AI intersect at Dell with intelligent chatbots. An exclusive sneak peek of Adam’s upcoming Tricentis Virtual Summit session—sign up at virtualsummit.tricentis.com.