Transformation in 10
Transformations are tough, whether you’re driving them or trying to stay ahead of the curve. Get insider insights for navigating the transformations impacting the application delivery world. Quality, DevOps, cloud, and business innovators share ideas in bitesize episodes. Grab a coffee and tune in! Presented by Tricentis (https://www.tricentis.com/) with music by Ross Marriott (https://bit.ly/3wjYJIH).
Transformation in 10
Viktoria Praschl at Tricentis on countless customer learnings and her journey to VP level
Season 2
Episode 7
It's our premier face-to-face chat on film! Watch here: https://bit.ly/3pUaiok. Viktoria Praschl, Vice President of Central Europe Sales at Tricentis, shares her story spanning 12 years at Tricentis, starting in solutions engineering. Viktoria considers common digital transformation goals of customers that she’s witnessed and the critical role of DevOps. In honor of Women’s History Month, Viktoria reflects on how women can excel in the software space.